Memorysafex vs Photo Stick: In-Depth Comparison Guide 2021

Are you confused between MemorySafeX vs Photo Stick? PhotoStick is available on Amazon and has a great rating, whereas MemorySafeX is not there on Amazon. PhotoStick has high-speed data transfer, whereas MicroSafeX doesn’t.

The company of Photo Stick works seriously, whereas about MemorySafeX you won’t get much information such as who they are, shipping details, their manufacture, etc.

If you want to select between them, then you should select a PhotoStick because it’s safer,  more compatible, faster, user-friendly, good tech support, fast delivery, and more FAQ.


Difference Between MemorySafex vs Photo stick

What is MemorySafeX?

An image of Memorysafex

MemorySafeX is a helpful device when you want to keep your memories safe from probable crashing or loss. It is also not possible to trust cloud storage these days. It is heart-breaking to lose old pictures, but there is a device that can safely and instantly properly save them, i.e., MemorySafe X.

MemorySafeX is a high-speed, three-in-one backup storage for both Android and iOS and thus assures that your memories are safe for future use. This handy and professional digital organizer can save a maximum of 60,000 photos very easily. Moreover, its new version is more effective and enhanced than the previous one.

What is Photo Stick?

An image of Photo Stick

It is not less than a heartbreak when you see all your old cherished memories get lost due to a hard drive crash or computer flaws. A dream to have all of them backed up in a safe and orderly manner, and Photo Stick fulfils that perfectly. It has fast software that can back up the photos almost instantly.

It also sorts and organizes them to make them easily traceable. This small memory stick has software that downloads the photos and then sorts all the photos and videos to store them for future reference safely. It is ideal for standard JPEG files and MPEG4 or MOV videos.



There are several benefits of using MemorySafeX:

  • It ensures the safety of all your cherished memories
  • Guarantees that your data will not get lost due to disk crashes or other reasons
  • It is a very easy to use the device and does not require the user to be tech-savvy
  • Lets you backup all your photos instantly and efficiently
  • Even children and grandchildren can handle this USB Flash Drive with ease
  • It works perfectly with Android and iOS operating systems

Photo Stick

Some of the benefits of Photo Stick are as follows:

  • It eases the saving process for your photos and sorts them into folders
  • Very easy to carry and is used by even a non-technical person
  • It requires no installation and is a simple insert-in device
  • You need not worry about sorting and saving the files, as it is done instantaneously
  • It takes very little time to sort and identify the photos
  • It does weekly media backup with ease

MemorysafeX vs Photo Stick

Memorysafex vs Photo Stick
  • Photo Stick has a storage capacity of up to 128GB while MemorysafeX has a storage of up to 64 GB.
  • Photo Stick comes in different variants allowing you to get your exact preferred size. Available in the market today are the 8GB, 64GB, and the 128GB variants. With MemorysafeX, you are limited in getting different variations in size.
  • MemorysafeX detects JPEG, MPEG4, MP4, MOV and PNG. On the other hand, most Photo Stick reviews indicate failure to detect some file formats.
  • MemorySafeX encrypts and decrypts files, securing them. It allows you to play your music and movies directly to the thumb drive. Photo Stick allows you to share your photos or music directly to your social media.
  • PhotoStick comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, while MemorySafex comes with a three-year guarantee.
  • Photo Stick adapts perfectly to Mac OS X version 10.6 and more recent versions.
  • Photo Stick measures 5.98 x 3.11 x 0.39 inches while
    MemorySafe X measures 57mm x 49mm x 8mm.
  • Memory SafeX comes with a USB and USB-Type Connector

Tony Luke
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